Dress Rental

March 2025
  • Price: $150 for dress rental
  • Dress Technician: $75 within metropolitan area
  • Security Deposit: $150

(Return of security deposit is subject to terms and conditions)

Términos y Condiciones

  1. La reservación del traje se realiza mediante depósito de $50.00 dólares para la fecha indicada en este formulario. Si el cliente solicita una cancelación total del alquiler del traje, el depósito no es reembolsable. Se le otorgará un crédito del depósito, en caso necesario de cambio para una fecha futura. Puede realizar el pago del depósito a través de ATH Móvil 787-990-9800 Miriam L. Rodríguez, Paypal https://www.paypal.me/miriamlrodriguez (Amigos y Familiares) o Venmo / @miriamlrodriguez
  2. Tiempo de alquiler: Un máximo de 24 horas; si no se entrega en ese horario, el cliente pierde el depósito automáticamente.
  3. El traje se entrega listo para uso. Ofrecemos orientación para el uso y manejo del traje. Es de suma importancia conocer el mismo.
  4. Ofrecemos servicio de asistencia por 1 hora para manejar el traje por $75.00 área metro. Hay un cargo extra, sujeta a distancia, si la sesión se realiza fuera del área metro.
  5. En caso de rotura del traje, EL DEPÓSITO NO ES REEMBOLSABLE, sin importar la magnitud de la rotura.
  6. En caso que el traje sea entregado con pintura, ejemplo de aceite, esmaltes o sustancias que no se pueden remover EL DEPÓSITO NO ES REEMBOLSABLE.
  7. Se retiene el 50% del depósito de seguridad en caso de entregar el traje con manchas tales como: grasa, comida, bizcocho, vino, pintura de agua, etc., que requieran servicio de “laundry”.
  8. No se permite utilizar el traje dentro de playa, ríos, rocas filosas, entornos hostiles que haya espinas o elementos donde el traje pueda rasgarse y por consecuencia romperse.
  9. No se permite usar pirotecnia, bombas de humo de color o cualquier artefacto que descargue chispas de fuego, el cliente pierde el deposito automáticamente.
  10. No se permite usar el traje con mascotas: perros, caballos u otros para evitar roturas.
  11. Los Trajes de Encajes serán alquilados por $200.00, bajo la supervisión de un asistente. La asistencia conlleva un cargo de $75.00 para sesiones en el área metro.
  12. Las reservaciones de las sesiones completas a través de nuestro sitio web tienen prioridad en las reservas de trajes. Entiéndase, si usted escoge un traje que otra persona también haya reservado en nuestro sitio web, debe escoger otro traje o cambiar la fecha para usar el mismo.
  13. No se permite, bajo ninguna circunstancia, lavar o planchar el traje antes de entregarlo. De usted hacerlo, pierde el depósito de seguridad automáticamente.
  14. En caso de lluvia recomendamos cambiar la fecha de su alquiler. Una vez el traje sale de nuestro establecimiento asumimos que el mismo fue utilizado sin importar las condiciones del tiempo. Si desea mover la fecha de su sesión por un pronóstico de tiempo no favorable su deposito de $50.00 se le acreditará a una nueva fecha.
  15. Se aplica un cargo de $15.00 por tardanzas sin notificación previa, en la cita de recogido, cada 15 minutos después de la hora acordada.

Terms and Conditions

  1. To book a flying dress, an initial $50.00 deposit is required to separate the date indicated in this form. If the client is renting a dress without assistance, they will be required to leave a $150 security deposit on the day of pickup. This security deposit is refundable only if the dress is returned to us in the same conditions as they received it on pickup. The initial $50 will be deducted from your remaining balance. If the client requests a total cancellation of the dress rental, the $50 deposit is non-refundable. A credit of the $50 deposit will be given to the client should a change be necessary to a different date. Payment of the $50.00 deposit cane be done through ATH Móvil 787-990-9800 Miriam L. Rodríguez, Paypal https://www.paypal.me/miriamlrodriguez (Friends and Family) or Venmo / @miriamlrodriguez
  2. Rental time: A maximum of 24 hours; If the dress is not returned within this time period, the client automatically loses the security deposit ($150).
  3. The dress is delivered ready for use. On the day of pickup, we will offer guidance on how to properly use the dress. It is of utmost importance that these instructions be understood to prevent breakage of the dress.
  4. We offer an assistance service to deliver, manage and return the dress for your convenience. This service has a base time period of one hour for $75.00 within the metro area. There is an extra charge, subject to distance, if the session takes place outside the metro area. If you’d like to have extra time with your assistant, you can buy more for $25 every 15 minutes. The assistant will provide a portable tent for wardrobe change, and access to any of our hair accessories. The assistant does not interfere with the creative process of your photographer, i.e they will not offer guidance on how to pose or other creative instructions.
  5. In case of breakage of the dress, THE SECURITY DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE, regardless of the magnitude of the breakage.
  6. In the event that the dress is delivered with paint stains such as oil-based paints, nail polish or substances that cannot be removed, THE SECURITY DEPOSIT IS NON-REFUNDABLE.
  7. In the event that the dress is returned with stains such as: grease, food, cake, wine, water-based paints, etc., which require “laundry” service to remove, 50% of the security deposit is retained.
  8. The client is NOT allowed to use the dress underwater inside beaches, pools or rivers, on sharp rocks, near thorny plants or other hostile environments where the dress can tear or break.
  9. The client is NOT allowed to use pyrotechnic props, colored smoke bombs or any device that discharges fire sparks. If the dress sustains damage as a result of these props, the client automatically loses the security deposit.
  10. The dress is NOT allowed to be worn near untrained animals, i.e dogs, horses or any other, without a trained professional and one of our assistants.
  11. Lace Flying Dresses will be rented for a price of $200.00, under the supervision of an assistant. Assistance carries a charge of $75.00 for sessions in the metro area.
  12. Photoshoot reservations through our website have priority over dress rental reservations. In other words, if the client chooses a dress that someone else has also reserved on our website for a photoshoot, the client must choose another dress or change their dress rental date.
  13. The client is NOT allowed, under any circumstances, to wash or iron the dress before returning it. If so, the client automatically loses their security deposit.
  14. In case of rainy weather, we recommend that the client changes the date of their photoshoot. Once the dress leaves our premises, we assume that dress was used regardless of weather conditions. If the client decides to change the date due to weather conditions, their $50.00 deposit will be credited to that new date.
  15. On the date of pick up, it is of utmost importance that the client arrives on time to their scheduled appointment. A charge of $15.00 will be applied to the remaining balance for every 15 minutes that the client arrives late.